Sunday, May 27, 2018

Traveling Smart dan Nyaman (Opini Pribadi)

Koper (Lojel), Tote bag (Fossil)

Kurang lebih 8 tahun ini intensitas traveling saya mulai meningkat. Selain berpergian sendiri atau bersama teman-teman atau keluarga untuk liburan, atau berpergian untuk seminar, orang tua saya sering berpergian ke luar kota untuk bekerja dan tidak jarang saya diajak untuk turut serta supaya dapat melihat dan menikmati kota-kota di Indonesia selagi menunggu orang tua saya rapat. Seiring meningkatnya intensitas tersebut, demand dan pengalaman saya saat berpergian pun jadi sedikit meningkat (belum expert lho, masih banyak yang jauh lebih expert! jadi seperti yang saya ungkapkan di judul, ini bukan review atau pendapat expert, murni opini saya yang beginner ini :) )

Dari yang tadinya nyaman-nyaman saja menggunakan koper apapun, sekarang saya mulai picky dengan koper. Kalau rodanya tidak smooth saat rotasi saya suka kesel sendiri, karena saat harus membawa koper ukuran besar disaat traveling sendiri, belum lagi harus transit ganti pesawat, lumayan melelahkan kalau harus menggeret-geret koper yang rodanya macet-macet. 

Dan, untuk koper saya pribadi cocok sekali dengan merk Lojel. Merk asli jepang ini cocok dengan kebutuhan dan budget saya. Inginnya sih Rimowa ya, tapi apa daya budget belum cukup, hehehe. Berikut penilaian saya untuk koper lojel:
  • Kegunaan: 4/5. Koper lojel milik saya sangat ringan, namun kuat. Jadi saat harus traveling menggunakan budget airline dan tidak dapat jatah checked in baggage lumayan membantu, bukannya berat di kopernya sendiri.
  • Portability: 4/5. Ini yang paling penting, walaupun bawaan seberat apapun, kalau body dan roda kopernya bagus, tetap nyaman saat harus menggeret koper, bisa jalan cepat di airport, efisien saat harus melewati beberapa kali bag screening, dan pastinya akan menghemat waktu kan.
  • Value: 4/5. Harga koper kabin saya seperti di atas sekitar Rp 2.000.000. Cukup murah sih  dibandingkan dengan kegunaan dan efisiensinya. Oh ya, koper Lojel saya juga awet. Sudah sekitar 5/6 tahun saya miliki (pantas saja rupanya sudah ngga karuan ya :p).
  • Durability: 4/5. Koper ini cukup awet. Dan resletingnya menggunakan teknologi double-coil zipper jadi lebih aman jika ada yang mencoba menjebol resletingnya. 

Tote bag (Fossil)

Sementara, untuk tas tangan, saya bukan tipe orang yang suka menggunakan backpack dan alasannya murni karena bukan style saya hahaha. Jadi, jatuhlah pilihan saya pada tote bag yang memiliki resleting, supaya muat banyak, bisa mencakup essential things saya (dompet, make up bag, stationery case yang berisi bolpoin, earphones, charger, powerbank, buku bacaan, notebook, dan kamera saya) dan juga aman. Aman bagi saya saat menentukan untuk beli tas ini adalah yang penting memiliki resleting. Saya belum kepikiran untuk beli tas yang tahan saat digunting/disobek menggunakan pisau ataupun memiliki kunci sehingga aman dari copet. Baru kemarin saat ke Tibet dan bertemu dengan mba Anggi, dia memberi tahu saya pengalamannya saat kecopetan dan sejak itu dia menggunakan tas yang anti sobek dan memiliki kunci saat traveling. Next time sepertinya saya akan menabung dan mencari tas dengan kriteria tersebut yang sesuai dengan style saya. Thanks infonya, mba Anggi! :)

Ngomong-ngomong soal tas Fossil saya dengan tipe "Emma Shopper", berikut penilaian saya dan kenapa saya memilih tas ini untuk teman traveling saya:
  • Kegunaan: 4/5. Saya pribadi suka dengan ruang penyimpanannya yang luas, jadi semua essential things saya, termasuk kamera mirrorless Fujifilm XA3 saya bisa masuk di dalamnya. Yang paling saya suka, back pocket di belakang tas ini bisa untuk menyimpan passpor, ktp, handphone, dan boarding pass. Jadi, saat semua barang-barang penting aman di dalam bagian yang ber-resleting, barang-barang yang harus sering keluar masuk selama di airport seperti boarding pass dan sejenisnya bisa diletakkan di back pocket. Efisien deh, karena tidak perlu berkali-kali membuka tutup resleting!
  • Value: 3/5. Harga tas tersebut sekitar Rp 2.000.000. Cukup sesuai dengan kegunannya, namun baru 1 tahun beberapa kulitnya sudah sedikit mengelupas :(
  • Durability: 3/5. Seperti yang saya bilang di atas, baru satu tahun tapi beberapa kulitnya sudah mengelupas.
  • Style: 4/5. Saya suka hampir semua pilihan warna dari seri tas Fossil "Emma Shopper" ini. Dan sesuai dengan taste saya sih, simple, berwarna calm dan netral, dan cocok dipasangkan dengan dress, rok, ataupun pants.

  Debit Prioritas (Bank Jatim), Kartu Kredit Co-Branding (BNI Garuda Indonesia Platinum), 
Kartu Asuransi Perjalanan (Zurich)

Concordia Lounge at Lombok International Airport

Mengenai keuangan saat traveling, menurut saya 3 hal ini penting sekali untuk dimiliki:

1. Asuransi perjalanan. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, ibu saya mengalami patah tulang tangan saat main ski di Korea. Ibu langsung dibawa ke klinik terdekat, dilakukan foto radiologi dan  diberikan emergency stabilization and fixation. Berikutnya ibu harus menjalani operasi dengan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Kebayang ngga, kalau ibu tidak punya asuransi perjalanan? Untungnya kami selalu menggunakan asuransi perjalanan. Ada dua tipe asuransi perjalanan: tahunan dan sekali jalan. Karena tahun ini saya sedang PTT dan tidak bisa terlalu banyak traveling saya memilih membeli asuransi hanya saat akan berpergian. Tapi, kalau kita sering traveling lebih baik membeli asuransi perjalanan tahunan sih, karena harganya akan jauh lebih murah, mulai Rp 2.500.000 untuk 1 tahunnya.
  • Sebagai gambaran, saat ke Tibet kemarin karena perjalanan yang mencapai ketinggian 5.200 meter di atas permukaan laut, saya beresiko terkena Accute Mountain Sickness (AMS) hingga edema cerebral dan edema paru yang tentunya beresiko kematian. Kebayang ga jika saya tidak memiliki asuransi dan terserang AMS saat di ketinggian 5.200 meter sementara untuk menyembuhkan AMS, sebaiknya kita segera turun ke ketinggian yang lebih rendah secepatnya? Dengan asuransi, saya memiliki akses ke emergency care yang bisa menjemput saya dengan helikopter  in case terjadi hal yang tidak diinginkan. Asuransi juga bisa memenuhi biaya yang dibutuhkan  untuk keluarga kita yang ada di Indonesia berangkat ke tempat kita dirawat untuk menjaga kita, seandainya kita harus dirawat di luar negeri saat dalam masa perjalanan. Bayangkan kalau tidak punya asuransi, berapa biaya yang harus dikeluarkan? Belum lagi biaya  rumah sakit di luar negri yang pastinya gila-gilaan. 
  • Saat ke Tibet kemarin saya membeli asuransi Zurich Passport Worldwide seharga Rp. 880.000 yang menyanggupi destinasi yang berada di ketinggian 5.200 meter di atas   permukaan laut. Mengenai asuransi, banyak perusahaan penyedia asuransi perjalanan, yang penting baca saja polisnya dan pilih yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
  • Contoh case lainnya, saat kita berlibur di negara yang sedang musim dingin, tidak disangka  koper kita tidak sampai saat kita mendarat karena tertinggal di tempat transit, pasti kita harus membeli keperluan seperti coat dan boots dong jika tidak ingin kedinginan? Sementara harga  barang-barang tersebut tidak murah. Nah, asuransi akan mengganti keperluan kita tersebut. Berapa extra budget yang harus dikeluarkan jika tidak memiliki asuransi? Berkisar  5-10 juta sih paling tidak :(
  • Jika ingin mencari asuransi perjalanan bisa cek web berikut Futuready. Lumayan banyak pilihannya, tapi sayang waktu akan ke Tibet kemarin, saya belum menemukan yang mau menanggung perjalanan yang beresiko dan di atas 3.000 meter di atas permukaan laut. 
2. Kartu kredit co-branding dengan maskapai penerbangan. Untuk traveling, kartu kredit pasti dibutuhkan banget. Mulai dari untuk keperluan booking tiket pesawat, penginapan, kereta, pembayaran sewaktu di luar negri, sampai promo-promo travel fair yang sering diberikan untuk kartu kredit tertentu. 
  • Tapi untuk saya pribadi, kartu kredit paling bermanfaat sebagai alat pembayaran supaya cashless dan termonitor dengan bonus poin yang diconvert menjadi miles maskapai penerbangan yang bisa ditukarkan dengan tiket pesawat gratis hingga upgrade seat ke business class. Saya pribadi menggunakan BNI credit card co-branding dengan Garuda Indonesia. Untuk setiap transaksi sejumlah Rp 24.000 akan mendapatkan 2 miles Garuda Indonesia. Lumayan kan? 
  • Jadi, setiap transaksi diusahakan sebisa mungkin menggunakan kartu kredit dibanding uang cash. Namun pembayaran dilakukan sebelum jatuh tempo sehingga tidak terkena bunga. Intinya cuma mengganti penggunaan uang cash jadi sistem cashless, dengan bonus miles! Dalam setahun tiket pesawat PP gratis Surabaya-Bali sudah pasti di tangan, deh. Jadi ngga usah pusing mikir extra budget untuk tiket pesawat liburan, paling tidak sekali setahun tiket pesawat gratis sudah di tangan :)
  • Kartu kredit biasanya memberikan akses gratis ke airport lounge. Nah ini juga akan membuat hemat buat kita yang sering berpergian. Coba bayangin deh, kalau sebulan sekali kita terbang dan males menunggu boarding di gate. Bawaannya ingin santai-santai di Starbucks aja. Sekali pesan kopi di Starbucks berkisar Rp. 60.000. Dalam sekali perjalanan pulang-pergi, kita akan menghabiskan Rp 120.000. Kalau dikalikan 12 bulan, totalnya Rp. 1.440.000. Gila ngga tuh? Dengan kartu kredit, kita bisa menunggu di airport lounge yang pastinya lebih nyaman dan sepi dibanding dengan menunggu di gate, makan kenyang dan minum kopi gratis, bisa sholat di mushola lounge yang lebih bersih dan sepi, lebih banyak port untuk charging semua gadget sepuasnya, dan bisa touch up make up di kamar mandi yang lebih bersih dan wangi hehe :)
3. Kartu debit prioritas. Kalau sudah agak lama bekerja dan bisa mengumpulkan uang, daripada uang disimpan di tabungan konvensional, coba deh cari tahu soal tabungan prioritas yang paling menguntungkan dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita masing-masing. Bank buku 4 biasanya memiliki syarat yang lumayan susah untuk nasabahnya jika ingin mendaftar sebagai nasabah prioritas.

Tapi sekarang ada kok bank buku 3 yang bisa membuatkan rekening prioritas dengan minimal tabungan tidak sebesar bank buku 4. Karena home base saya di Jawa Timur, Bank Jatim cukup menguntungkan dan pas untuk saya. 
  • Nasabah prioritas mendapat personal relationship manager. Kalau sedang bingung soal asuransi perjalanan yang paling pas, tiket pesawat dan hotel yang recommend dan ngga sempat riset sendiri, tinggal kontak relationship manager kita saja dan dia akan bantu mencarikan. Seperti waktu saya bingung mencari asuransi perjalanan yang mau menanggung perjalanan ke ketinggian di atas 3000 meter kemarin, saya dibantu oleh relationship manager saya. 
  • Sama seperti kartu kredit, kartu debit prioritas juga memberi akses gratis ke airport lounge di seluruh Indonesia. 
  • Di bandara-bandara besar di Indonesia, ada baggage handling khusus untuk nasabah prioritas. Tidak perlu antri check-in atau baggage drop deh, tinggal jalan santai dan menunggu di lounge karena bagasi kita akan dibantu diurus oleh petugas secara cuma-cuma. Boarding pass beserta nomor bagasi akan diantarkan ke lounge. Just wait and chill :p
  • Agak out of topic tapi tambahan penting nih, tabungan ini dimasukkan sebagai deposito. Lumayan lho bunganya, bisa untuk dana berlibur lagi, dapet deh dana untuk jalan-jalan ke Jepang tanpa harus kerja hehehe, jadi lagi-lagi dana untuk traveling sudah secured deh :p
So far, itu hal-hal penting yang bisa dipertimbangkan untuk smart traveling yang nyaman menurut saya pribadi. Saya bukan expert dan benar-benar masih amatir. Jadi jangan mentah-mentah percaya apa kata saya, sih hehe. Coba riset dan baca-baca sendiri, kalau perlu tanya kepada ahlinya sebelum memutuskan apapun! But I hope my information would be helpful dan kalau ada yang ingin didiskusikan, do comment below or feel free to email me and I will be happy to help :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Overland Trip From China To Nepal (Chengdu - Tibet - Kathmandu)

Swayambunath Temple
Kathmandu, Nepal

Overlooking The Summit of Mount Everest
Tibet, China

Potala Palace
Tibet, China

Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda
Chengdu, China

When I was sitting at my geography class in my elementary days, I remember my teacher told me that the highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest, located at The Himalayan Range which spread across India, Nepal, China, Pakistan, and Bhutan. I wonder how does the highest mountain in the world look like? Does the snow always cover its peak? 

The other day, when I read a book about countries of the world on the book at a city library back home, I read about Lhasa. It was the capital of the highest country in the world, known as roof of the world, Tibet. And now Tibet is a part of China, but it still is the roof of the world, and I was still  wondering how does it feel like to stand at the roof of the world? "Would I be able, someday?" is what I always thought. 

At the beginning of 2017 my dear friend asked me if I would like to go to Tibet with her, for there is an open trip (Open trip price for Overland Tibet-Nepal: USD 1150) with Mba Nina, visit her website Stalking Nina for information about the upcoming open trip. At that time I was still doing my clinical study, by the time the trip will begin, April 2018, I still don't know where I will be. Will I still doing my clinical study and wouldn't be able to attend the trip due to some exit exams? Will I be working at a clinic and would not be able to get any days off? Those were questions I have in my mind. 

But, if not now, when? 

So, might as well, say yes when there is this opportunity coming and let the universe sort the other things out, naturally.

Turns out my dear friend couldn't continue this trip due to personal event, so I ended up continuing this trip alone. But, nothing to worry about because there are 13 other people joining this open trip and turns out they are all an experienced traveler and a great travel mates! 

So, last April  I went on a 16 days overland trip from China to Nepal, live witnessing Lhasa which I used to only read on a book at the library, truly a dream comes true :') Here is my itinerary and later on I will share my day to day experience in a separate long and serial post haha, meanwhile, here is the highlight so you will first able to imagine the complete picture:

  • Day 1: Departing from Lombok, Indonesia en route Chengdu, China with an overnight layover at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I fly Air Asia which cost idr 3.100.000 (USD 219) for economy seat and 25 kg baggage. For the overnight layover I stayed at Capsule by Container Hotel, KLIA 2. I booked a female only, 12 hours room via Agoda for idr 411.000 (USD 30). 
  • Day 2: Arriving at Chengdu and finally met with the other traveler. We stayed at a two bedroom Chengdu Memory Space Apartment Taiguli Branch for one night which cost idr  348.000 (CNY 155) per person. I arrived at 2 pm and after quick rest at the apartment, we wandered around downtown Chengdu, walked and walked passed the crowded Chunxi Road, take a photo in Tianfu Square, having noodle at a halal restaurant in one moslem area, and ended up at JinLi ancient street
  • Day 3: Our train from Chengdu to Lhasa depart at 9 pm, so that in the morning we got some time to visit Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda, an ex situ conservation base, scientific research and breeding base, and public education and tourism base 30 minutes from our apartment. At night, after a quick rest at our apartment we depart to Lhasa for a 36 hours train ride from Chengdu Railway Station. I take the hard sleeper one which cost idr 2.680.000 (usd 190), we spent the night at the train. 
  • Day 4: One full day enjoying the journey to Lhasa, overlooking the beautiful landscape along the route which known as the highest railway in the world with the highest pass is Tanggula Pass (5.072 meters above sea level). Spending another night at the train. 
  • Day 5: At about 10 am we arrived at Lhasa Train Station and went straight to our hotel Kyichu Hotel Lhasa, just a 10 minutes walk from Potala Palace. For the rest of the day, I only spent my time resting and having lunch and dinner at the hotel and walk a five minutes walk to the nearest department store, Baiyi, to buy some water and food. Because it was the time for the body to rest and acclimitize to the high altitude (Lhasa altitude: 3.656 meters above sea level) to prevent accute mountain sickness. 
  • Day 6: The second day at Lhasa, we visited Potala Palace and Jokhang Temple by walk, because it is only 10-minutes walk from our hotel. At night, me and some people from the group walked around Jokhang temple while observing the pilgrims do Kora. 
  • Day 7: The next day is still the time to explore monasteries in Tibet. Early in the morning we went to Drepung Monastery, one of the big three monasteries in Tibet. That morning, it was snowy in Drepung and it was so beautiful. Then after lunch off we went to Sera Monastery to enjoy The Debating Monks in a debating courtyard. At night, me and some friends walking to Potala Palace to enjoy the beauty of its lighting lit up the night. 
  • Day 8: Then come the time for a road trip to approach Everest Base Camp (Altitude: 5.200 meters above sea level). Along the road we passed Kamba La Pass (4.794 meters above sea level) and finally visited Yamdrok Lake, a beautiful lake with its blue water located at 4.441 meters above sea level. Then a few minutes from Yamdrok Lake we met Karo La Glacier (5.560 meters above sea level), not a big glacier but it already is beautiful. After that, straight we went to our hotel at Shigatse (Altitude: 3.800 meters above sea level), Manasrovar Hotel Shigatse
  • Day 9: In the morning, before driving to New Tingri, a small county town where we stay before heading to Everest Base Camp the next day, we stopped by at Tashi Lunpo Monastery, a traditional seat for Panchen Lamas. I personally love this monastery the most over the other. Tell you why in the next post! ;) This night, we stayed at New Tingri rather than like the usual Everest Base Camp trip where people stayed at Rongbuk Guesthouse.
  • Day 10: Early in the morning, before the sun showed itself we drove to approach Everest Base Camp (EBC) North Side (Altitude: 5.200 meters above sea level). To be able to visit everest base camp as a tourist we need a permit, other than Tibet Visitor Permit itself. And if one want to do summit expedition, they will need climber permit also. For I only go as far as Everest Base Camp as a tourist, I only need Tibet Visitor Permit and Tourist Permit. After we walked to  the monument built on the EBC and enjoyed the magnificent view, we continue our road trip to approach Gyirong, a small beautiful city with tropical vegetation yet has the magnificent view of snow capped mountain around. Gyirong is the border between China and Nepal.
  • Day 11: Early in the morning, we drove to where The China Immigration is at Gyirong border. On the other side of a bridge is Rasuwa, a district at Nepal. I'm quite amazed by how different the condition is just after a few meters from the China side. The Nepal side is quite under developed. After done with the immigration and Nepal Visa on Arrival, we drove for 7 hours to Kathmandu and have a rest at our hotel at Thamel area, Truly Asia Boutique Hotel which cost idr 425.000 (30 USD per night). At night, I have a nice cup of coffee and vegan burger at French Bakery, Thamel. I recommend you to stop by at this cafe once you're in Kathmandu for the coffee and meals here is perfect! 
  • Day 12: In the morning, we went to Swayambunath (Entrance fee: NPR 200/ idr 26.600) and I very much enjoy the time watching the pilgrims praying and turning the prayer wheel. After that, we have a tour with a guide who tell us all the history of Patan Durbar Square (Entrance fee cost: NPR 1000/ idr 133.000), one of Kathmandu's three medieval kingdoms. Then, we went to Boudhanath (Entrance fee: NPR 250/ idr 33.000) to enjoy the beautiful twilight as the background of the magnificent stupa inside the complex. At night, we were having dinner at a traditional nepali restaurant, Gokarna House Restaurant. I personally love Nepali Food, but some people might not find it suitable with their taste. 
  • Day 13: This day I have a staycation at Nagarkot, a village where there are some hotels and resorts available. We will be able to see the himalayan range from the comfort of our hotel, if the sky is clear, which I unfortunately did not get the last time I stayed. Me and my 3 friends stayed at Mystic Mountain Hotel (Rate upon booking (via Agoda): idr 1.600.000), have a buffet dinner (Cost: NPR 2500/ idr 332,500) and breakfast and enjoying some spa session available (Deep massage tissue spa cost: around NPR 3.630/ idr 482.000). Before going to Nagarkot, we stopped by for a visit to Kathmandu Durbar Square, the center of administration of all the three durbars (Entrance fee: NPR 1000/ idr 133.000) and Pasupatinath (Entrance fee: NPR 1000/ idr 133.000), a temple complex at the banks of Bagmati River where the cremation ceremony of the hindus held. 
  • Day 14After having breakfast and a refreshing spa in the morning, just before lunch we went back to Kathmandu. And before went back to our hotel at Thamel area, we stopped by at Bhaktapur Durbar Square (Entrance fee: NPR 1000/ idr 133.000), the center of culture out of the three durbars. After satisfied walking around Bhaktapur, eating some Juju Dhau, the traditional yoghurt which taste heavenly and having lunch at Cafe Beyond (I really recommend this cafe!) located just before the entrance gate of Bhaktapur, we went back to Truly Asia Boutique Hotel, Thamel area. Because it was my last night before went back home, I went around Thamel that night, looking for some souvenirs, masala tea, shirt with words "Nepal" on it and of course yak wool pashmina. While wandering around I stopped by at Pilgrims Book House, truly a heaven for book lover! And ended the day by having dinner at Pho 99 (I love their Pho Bo!).
  • Day 15: My flight back home scheduled at 1.00 pm so I got some time to spend in the morning, walking just around the hotel. I went to French Bakery again to enjoy some coffee and apple pie while reading a book I just bought the night before. Then I walked just a little bit farther to enjoy the breeze at Garden of Dreams, a surprisingly beautiful garden as a hideaway in the middle of the chaoss of Thamel. At 10 am I went to Tribhuvan International Airport, I booked a flight with Malindo Air departing for Kuala Lumpur (I fly economy (including 25 kg baggage) which cost idr 2.328.000 (usd 165)). That night I stay for one night at Apple Hotel, Bukit Bintang (Price upon booking via Agoda: idr 342.000 (usd 24)) for I craveee for a Tom Yum Noodle Soup at Jalan Alor heheh. 
  • Day 16:  Spent the last day of my journey walking along Bukit Bintang, looking for some make up at Sephora and having breakfast at Fountain Cafe, Pavilion then went straight back to KLIA 2 using KLIA Express for my 4 pm flight with Air Asia (I fly economy and booked a 30 kg baggage which cost idr  1.059.000 (MYR 289)) back home to Lombok. 
So, that was a recap of 16 days journey which make my heart and mind feel complete. Some of my friend requesting the budgeting detail and breakdown which I will share in the next post. Stay tune and feel free to email me if you want to ask questions about journey to Tibet, anyway. 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Will I ever?

North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

The room of Zipp Bar Restaurant & Bungalows 

The bathroom

The exterior and its pool

Gili Air, North Lombok
Ph. 081917310209

Waking up at Gili Air I could not help but feeling serene and refreshed, even after the rather heavy workload I had the day before. I put my bathing suit and robe on, put on a proper amount of sun block cream, pick up my sunglasses, books, and phone (to play some music) and off I went to the beach in front of my bungalow to enjoy the warm sun and the crystal clear water. 

Speaking about the hotel I stayed the last time I went to Gili Air, I surprisingly love it. The first time I arrived, I feel a little bit confuse because the bar is on a renovation and there is a mess here and there, the bungalows is located behind the bar. Turns out, now there is this regulation from the government which ban any cafe or hotel built along the shoreline. There is minimum distance from the beach to where a cafe or hotel is allowed to be built and operated. So, a lot of places are doing renovation.

But after entered the bungalows, I find that I love the place. The bungalows is near to a beautiful beach with a white sand and crystal clear water with a sight of breathtaking green hills as the background. Scallywags beach club with its delicious meals and comfortable seating set is just two minutes by walk. Yet, somehow the bungalows is quite and secluded. (Not to mention its super helpful staff whom I love!). 

In the morning, after get enough with the sun and the beach, I swim in the pool while enjoying their coffee and french toast. When outside, the sun is burning my skin, surprisingly the ambience in its pool is comfortable with fresh air and refreshing breeze playing out with my hair. After that, taking bath in their open air bathroom is the perfect way to start just another plan of walking around Gili Air in the morning while looking for some gelato. Just, I guess they need some maintenance on their bathroom's and bedding's cleanliness so they can be super comfortable.

Anyway, it was a perfect day at Gili Air. 

So, having no one to take care of, I have plenty of time. For self improvement; I could read books all day long on my day off while waiting for the laundry to dry before ironing it, I could write for hours after done cleaning the room and done with the dish washing, I could travel to wherever I want to go,  whenever I want to, I could work all day long thus my knowledge, experience, and skill will be improved, I could take some time every few months to do volunteering in a case I care about (mostly on children education, literature, and gender parity).

These past years it is always about "I". Moreover, growing up in a family where parents giving the ultimate freedom; of thinking, of doing, of the future, I always feel I can choose the best option for me out of the choices available, another matters always might be excluded. My parents are the one who ensure me that I can fly high up as I could, I do not need to take care of them because they can take care of themselves and love living their life, enjoying their job and traveling the globe. Thus, I do not used to think about others when making a decision. When I want to work faraway from them I can just go, when I want to pursue my study in a different continent might as well doing it as I wish, when I want to impulsively go to Nepal I can just take the next plane. What a selfish individual, I understand. 

And now come the time where I might start to have to care about others. When my relationship will go to a more serious step, I have to be responsible to others, other than my parents. Here comes the condition where I might not get the amount of freedom my parents used to give me. Because I will have new (and a lot) responsibilities which I have to take care of, too.

I might have to think about the other parties before choosing where I will pursue my study; will I still  able to do my responsibility when I am away from home? Will they be okay to take care of themselves and enjoying their life while I take a little time to focus on my self, will they enjoy their lives the way my parents do? Will I ever? Will I ever be able to adjust my plan and my decision with others, when all this time I can always do things as I wish, whenever and whatever?

These things have been bothering me lately. These new concept of life. As bothered as my mind can be, I just try to think that I will try my best to do each of my responsibility, responsibly. There might be some, or a lot of inconveniences here and there but I will try to adapt to it the way I happily adapt to a new neighborhood I found in a new places I travel. The new neighborhood might be noisy and dusty just like the little alleys along Thamel, Kathmandu but when I try to see the beauty inside, of how the beautiful mess of praying flags above the Thamel road reflects the faith of each of individual hold dear inside their heart, of how the messy old book store provides the best gem of books, about life, about balance, about philosophy. There, then, I still able to feel complete, even between the mess. 

And around people with a positive mind, no matter how chaos the world might be, I wish, we will always be able to enjoy this live, though sometimes the tides might be dangerous, but there will still be time where the tides is as beautiful as the ones along Gili's shoreline on a summer day, no?

Sunday, May 6, 2018

5th of May

To the one
With whom the horizon seems endless
With whom life is not only bearable
But also
A joie de vivre

In years which will follow
May your good deeds and intention
Comes back to you as 
An abundant blessings, always 

A Change is Inevitable

Malaka, North Lombok
West Nusa Tenggara

Sigar Penjalin, North Lombok
West Nusa Tenggara

Through the little hidden alleys of Chinatown at the over populated downtown Kuala Lumpur, the red bricks building of old town Malaka, the lush rice field of Jalan Raya Sayan Ubud, until the crystal clear blue water of Gili Air, we never run out of words coming out from our mind to be exchanged. 

Though through times the way our mind works might change. What used to be a mere common sight might be important for us now. What used to be an important matters might be irrelevant anymore.

A change is inevitable. Through times.

But as long as the vibes vibrating positive breeze, who cares?

Happy birthday and may all of your good intention bring you back a good karma. Here was a humble journey I was able to give as a present, no birthday cake nor beautifully wrapped gift, but I hope the memory lasts. Next time, South of France?