Thursday, September 28, 2023
Why I Wake Up In The Morning?
Friday, December 9, 2022
Life and Reality
Hello blogging world! The world I have abandoned for so long, yet I always miss the most. I still read my blog and another blog I love from time to time. Yet, it always, always feel so hard to start to write here, when you can write on Instagram caption.
2022 is coming to an end. How has your 2022 so far? Mine is... so enjoyable and...
Well, though life is not always rainbows and butterflies. Don't tell me about those storm. I know it like the back of my hand. For so many years, storms had came to my life like I was in the middle of the ocean, uncertain and hard to see where it was all going. But, as time goes by I realised that it was not always about the storms, either. Sometimes you can still see the light. Sometimes you can still feel happy.
During those hard times I learnt that happiness does not have to wait.
You don't have to wait until life is not hard anymore to be happy.
Life can always be enjoyable. Does not mean you have to be happy all the time. But, you can enjoy the hard time, as well.
Sometimes I wonder, when people complaining about their life, saying they want to escape their life and want to fly somewhere far away. Or when someone just came back from their holiday and say "welcome back to reality"...
Does your life feel so unbearable you want to always escape from it? If it is so, what's the point of living? What's the point of living if you only crave one short moment that only happen once in a while like end year holiday? Doesn't life should always be enjoyable? If it is not, maybe it's time to reconsider what to change about it, or what solutions could make your life enjoyable, isn't it?
Maybe a change of routines? Maybe more self care in the middle of our chaotic schedule? Maybe a good yoga in the morning? Maybe a good quality cup of coffee to start our day? Maybe meeting more friends? Maybe turning more ideas into reality? Maybe learning those skill we always longing to learn? Maybe read those books that we want to read instead one that we should read? Maybe a date to those art gallery after work with our lover? Maybe a little Jazz on a Friday night? Maybe saying no to a job we don't enjoy? Maybe saying yes to a job we always wanted to do?
Most of our life consist of what people say, mundane routines. Instead of hopping on into our private jet flying to Aman resort all the time.
So, doesn't it mean we have to work on our each and everyday, fight for it, to be worth living, instead of craving to always escape reality?
And so, to close this writing. I want to ask:
Does your days feel like reality you enjoy so much you don't want to escape from? I really hope, it is ♡
Saturday, March 19, 2022
To Write or Not To Write?
Nowadays in Indonesia, dental treatment is a legit issue which can be beautifully packaged in the form of aesthetic treatment t...
P.S. I am changing the display ratio at my blog so it will be convenience for you later to read, and see a better quality picture. But, my...
Hello everyone! I haven't post anything for this past few days because ,of course,my school stuff!huff this sooo frustrating.yeah becaus...