hey! we can count down to Ied day now hhe.and as a "mudik" tradition of Indonesia when Ied day come, I will go to my grandma's house which is NO INTERNET CONNECTION in her house. Yah, because she live by only herself, and she even don't khow what internet is,soo she doesn't have this connection.Well, actually I can go to some hot spot area there,but it's impossible to post something,because I know that I'll be very bussy with family gathering stuff. So starting from today till,maybe wednesday,I can't post anything.And I just wanna say:
Sorry for all the mistakes that I made this all time and thank you sooo much for mind to read this not-so-interesting blog hhe.
me love you all :)
ps. can you guess which one is me in that photo?hha it's kinda weird for me when i'm wearing veil
Minal aidin walfaidzin yaa velo..
met lebaran..
asiknya yg mudik..hehehe
oops..I mean valo ;)..
hehe..maap sayang, salah ketik tadi..hihi
anw,,kamu yg diujung pake jilbab biru bukaan? ;)
hehe..aq banyak amat ya commentnya..hihi
happy ied ! :) and hope you have a nice holiday !
You all love so beautiful and happy holiday ! heeee
Ohhh let me guess. I hope I didn't get this wrong,but are you the one on the extreme right at the end ??
cool photo!
:) pretty! :)
kak fika: haha iaa deh banyak banget komennya!iaa aku yg itu hehe
becky:thank you :) and yes that was a nice holiday hhe
valencia:Bingo! you're right! :)
Lilee:thank youu :)
michelle:thank you soo much :)
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