Beauty is pain, some old line told us. But I'd rather more agree with this line, beauty is effort. A lot of people do so much effort to take care of their weight and body shape by choosing the best food to consume. But unfortunately, people often forgot to choose the best food to feed their face skin. Yes, it looks like some of us will start a treatment to heal our skin once it had acnes, or had a dry condition. But when our skin looks okay, we often forget to feed it with the right nutrition. Do we even forget that even our skin looks okay, it actually is the first shield of our body and mind? So, start from this very young age, I want to start to be committed to my skin, to feed it the right amount of nutrition it needed so that as my age grow, my skin will stay young.
So recently I've been researching some products available to find the one which will give my skin the right amount of nutrition it needed. I am aware, that hydration is the most important thing to keep my skin from this most scary thing: dry skin. So, that's where I am looking. I am looking for products that will hydrate my skin and this is where the story begins, I finally met Laneige. Yes, that well known brand from South Korea with Song Hye Kyo as its face. While doing my research, I accidentally came into Nihon Mart, an online beauty store which start its operating from 2011 and focusing on Japan and Korean beauty product and so happy to find that they also sell original product from Laneige.
(Price: 295.000 idr, at Nihon Mart)
I know I do not have to think twice when I found Laneige, since this brand is famous with its Laneige Advanced Water Science, just the right thing that I needed the most! And I am not surprised when I found that in Nihon Mart, its Laneige Water Sleeping Pack is the most best selling product. Like what the banner said, this product contains of three main usage, in which I needed the most: strong hydration made by Beta-Glucan, exfoliating and brightening made by Hunza Apricot Extract which will eliminate harmful oxygen radicals and Chestnut Extract which will peel off dead skin cells, and Sleepscent for Deep Sleep which will make my skin relax to improve skin regeneration. The product is also easy to use by the way, I just have to apply it before sleep and I do not need to wash it off, I just can directly doze off while enjoying Laneige Water Sleeping Pack relaxed me. I'm so glad I found this product in Nihon Mart, yeay!
I do love beauty rituals before sleep. It's an effort I love the most. It's the time when I can enjoy and appreciate my self and my mind, while also taking care of it. Beauty is effort. Without an effort from ourselves to take care of our body and mind since the earliest time possible, I doubt that we can maintain the most optimal condition of it all. Because things don't just happen, it happens with the presence of effort, doesn't it?